Sunday, March 7, 2010

I no longer feel guilty about...

-convincing myself that it's okay to add more cereal to the leftover milk in my bowl so that I don't waste it; although it goes against my diet...

-having pizza again for dinner...there's lycopene in the sauce, calcium in the cheese and thiamine in the's got to be somewhat healthy...

-for handing the kids over to my husband once he's arrived home because I'm exhausted from breastfeeding, singing, dancing and making funny faces all day...

-for being honest with my girlfriend who asked if the shirt she was trying on was too small and suggesting that she go up two sizes...she asked...

-for letting my children watch more tv than recommended so that I can steal some time for myself...

-hoping that my girlfriend doesn't ask me to babysit this weekend...

-not holding a conversation longer than 7 minutes with my mother within the last few months...I can live without her "you need to" advice for a while...

-sneaking cups of coffee; although I said that I would give it up...

-for hiding some of my kids' toys because they make too much noise...

-for teaching my 5 year old to wash dishes in hopes that she'll perfect it by 6...

-using my dog to clean up all of the highchair droppings my 11 month old leaves behind after meals...
-for hiding my favorite snacks in my desk so that my husband or 5 year won't ask for any...


-for liking Yo Gabba Gabba more than the kids...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Moving On?

I'm beginning to wonder if after 10 short blog entries...whether or not it's time to shut the daily chronicles down and move on to another....

I love to write, but through my writing have realized there is more to me than my daily chronicles while staying home with the kids which I initially forgot when I started writing shortly after the birth of my second child.

I'm probably the most random...non-mom...non kid-focused woman you'll meet. Don't get me wrong...I do a lot to enrich my children through lots of shared time and activity but I lack the attention span to maintain more than one art project every 2 weeks or so (I know...I'll get better...) but we spend lots of time outdoors exploring the city, meeting new people, etc. Okay...there goes that justification again, right?

I love my children and family and wouldn't change anything about the role as mom or wife but as I've said in earlier entries...there's so much more to me...which I would love to write about as well....

I wonder what I should call the new blog...

The Daily Random Chronicles of an Introspective Mother of 2? What if that number turns to 3?


I need to give it some thought.

There are so many things that I enjoy at any given time...that I want to be careful to not want label or box my blog in.

Perhaps, I could call it Out of The Box (a daily chronicle of one woman's random thoughts while taking care of her husband and kids...

What do you think?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Indulging In Your Passion...

I know that I am going to regret writing this since it's about 11pm and I need to be up at 4am and also have an angry pile of laundry that needs folding...and tomorrow's dinner needs to go in the crock pot overnight...but I had to write this one...

After baking my first batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies this evening (I warms my cheeks and makes me giggle to say this and admit that I had so much fun), I coincidentally came across a blog entry that a friend of mine had written titled: "Indulging Our Passion" at

I read this entry and reflected on my last post about there being more to SAHMhood...

She hit the nail right on the head.

That post was all about taking care of ourselves as mothers and wives...

Not indulging so much in SAHM/motherhood that we overlook ourselves as woman...

Indulging in the things that we hold near and dear...

Filling up our tanks so that we can continue to take care of the ones we love...

Nurturing our inner and outer selves....


Sacrificing who we are and what makes us happy...

She posed a couple of really good questions on her page about discovering our passions which made me think...

What are my true passions?

I think part of my SAHMhood resistance is centered around my upbringing...

A bunch of woman who cooked, cleaned, took care of children, and served their husbands but did little else...

While I appreciate their efforts and how well they've taken care of me...

I always knew that I wanted to do more...

But there is a bit of a woman in me who is passionate about taking care of and nurturing her family's needs...and most important...whose passionate about taking care of herself while forging strong bonds with her children.

(I just want to do it wearing black lace, red lipstick, a fresh manicure and high heels...)

But seriously, tonight I rediscovered my passion for baking that honors a family tradition, shares time with my daughter incorporates my growing passion for photography (I'll take pictures of everything we make) while also creating delicious treats that my entire family will enjoy!

I didn't have on any lace while doing it was a great time!

What's your passion?