-having pizza again for dinner...there's lycopene in the sauce, calcium in the cheese and thiamine in the crust...it's got to be somewhat healthy...
-for handing the kids over to my husband once he's arrived home because I'm exhausted from breastfeeding, singing, dancing and making funny faces all day...
-for being honest with my girlfriend who asked if the shirt she was trying on was too small and suggesting that she go up two sizes...she asked...
-for letting my children watch more tv than recommended so that I can steal some time for myself...
-hoping that my girlfriend doesn't ask me to babysit this weekend...
-not holding a conversation longer than 7 minutes with my mother within the last few months...I can live without her "you need to" advice for a while...
-sneaking cups of coffee; although I said that I would give it up...
-for hiding some of my kids' toys because they make too much noise...
-for teaching my 5 year old to wash dishes in hopes that she'll perfect it by 6...
-using my dog to clean up all of the highchair droppings my 11 month old leaves behind after meals...
-for hiding my favorite snacks in my desk so that my husband or 5 year won't ask for any...
-for liking Yo Gabba Gabba more than the kids...