Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Acceptance???'s been so long....

Considering that I started this blog as a way to sort out or vent about all of my SAHM feelings/thoughts, does that mean that everything has been okay?

Nah...just haven't had much time to write...

Still trying to live up to the SAHM ideals and quell my guilty conscience that makes me feel terrible that my husband works so hard to take care of the family while, I would (in between my freelance jobs) much rather watch The Doctors, Oprah, or any other talk show that has some juicy gossip or self improvement message than cook and clean or handle some other household chore...

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I had a very interesting conversation with my husband about my ongoing struggle with SAHMhood...

While driving home from the mall after a slight vent session he said, "You know what the problem haven't accepted that you're home with the kids...that's why it's so hard for you..."

And you know...being the super introspective person that I am, I thought about it and came to...he's right...that's exactly why it's so hard!

I can never totally accept it...


Manicures/ Pedicures, time with friends, late night girl chat, emailing, texting, facebooking from my Blackberry, wearing non-mom clothing, black lace, red nail polish, high heels and doing anything that is unconventional...

Yea...SAHMhood is for the birds...where's my Cosmopolitan and New York Magazine...I'm sure there's an article in there about balancing the life as a SAHM and the trendy ultra-sexy urban life!


  1. Great post! I think we each need to define what being a SAHM is for ourself. No need for any guilty consciences when we're doing the hardest job on earth. If you love manicures/pedicures, non-mom clothing high heels, then that's what kind of SAHM mom you are! And you rock them! We don't need to ever accept some cultural ideal of what a SAHM should be. As long as we're being true to ourself and our family, what more could anyone ask of us.

  2. Right on!

    I agree that being a SAHM is one of the hardest jobs on earth...admitedly harder than working 8-12 hour days like my past life as a working mom.

    At times, it can be difficult to rememeber who you are while attending to so many changing priorites and it doesn't help that society consistently attempts to define whether or not you are good at anything, especially a mother/SAHM.

    I plan to keep the struggle alive! I vow to turn the television anytime a Stanley Steamer Carpet Cleaner or Bounce commercial comes on with one of the idealic moms who attends to their familys' every need and manages to call 1-800-STEAMER, or the one who dances with fresh laundry during the Oprah commercial breaks, both with jumbo smiles on their faces. :-)
