Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quick Hits 12.2.09

Don't forget to watch the holiday claymation classic , Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer tonight at 8pm E.S.T (check your local listing for your area) on CBS. Since the the birth of my 5 year old, we've created a small tradition of making cookies (until she was about 3 years old I did everything myself) and watching this classic. It takes me way back to my childhood, are still so much fun to watch and my daughter looks forward to it each year!

Recognizing how monotonous the job of a stay at home mom/working mom/wife can be (maybe not so monotonous...)I wanted to share a website that I discovered that posts cool SAHM/working mom/wife things, i.e. work from home opportunities, recipes, fun activities with the family etc. I hope that you find something useful. Check it out at

Coming Mother Knows Best! advice column where I will attempt to give counsel and advice to those seeking it! Now...I do not profess to be a therapist, psychologist or anything with M.D. associated with it but we'll have fun as I make attempts at it...

I welcome my readers to chime in and share their experiences or to share their thoughts with the writers!

Until Next Time....


1 comment:

  1. I love that tradition! I used to look forward to the Christmas shows playing on TV every December. Now, we have them all on DVD and have no TV reception, so it's a little different.
